Tuesday 8 April 2014

I'm supposed to be working today...

Hmmm... after three weeks of intensive scurrying to finalise grant applications, my brain died last week as I caught up on things like finding the floor underneath Pippi's (my pom) expended fluff, buying actual food (instead of takeaway) and then cooking up some lovely vegan meals.

This week, back to work.... come on brain!

I did go to a seminar last Wednesday that had me fired up for a few hours. It was elating and depressing at the same time. QAAFI (the organisation I work for at UQ) hosted a lecture by renowned archaeo-botanist, Professor Dorian Fuller. He talked about his work unravelling the human history of plant use, domestication and agricultural exploitation in India as well as more general theories on these issues on a world-scale. Since I've been trying to convince the director of QAAFI to let me study similar issues with Australian plants for some time now (since before he was director of QAAFI), I found the topic both enlightening and stimulating.

Then that voice kicks in and I start to wonder how I've ended up diverging so far away from my original path.

Oh well, that's what happens when you just let life tell you what to do I suppose.

If you're interested in archaeo-botany at all, here's a link to Prof. Fuller's University College London page:

More later!

Monday 7 April 2014

Why am I doing this?

OK, this is my first attempt at a blog.

I thought this might be a good way of trying to consolidate some ideas and start communicating them to others, if anybody is interested.

There is, of course, that little, rather annoying voice in the back of my head telling me that 'I don't have time for this, I'll never manage to keep at it' and, oh yes, 'who would be interested in anything I have to say anyway?' ...

Well, be that as it may, I'm a little tired of that voice and I'm a little tired of having stilted conversations with other adults who make me feel like a ten-year-old because I'm too afraid I'm going to say the wrong thing. So, here I am... blogging... hoping this will give me a chance to be and grow and sometimes vent without being overly concerned that I might offend someone.

I won't promise to be diligent, because I'm not.
I will promise to be honest.
And, I promise myself that I will have a voice about subjects I usually avoid in conversation because it's just too hard or because I don't want to start an argument!

More later!